Likes and Recommendations
On every site page and every post on there's either a or a button. These buttons allow you to recommend a site to other users and to like the post. always keeps information about who recommended a site or liked a post private, unless you expressly confirm that you'd like make it public. By default, only shows the number of people who've recommended a site, not who they are, and the same goes for likes. See Recommendation-based blogrolls for more information about how uses recommendations.
When you recommend a site, you're letting know that you think the site is useful, funny, or otherwise should be shown to more users. records your recommendation and uses it when ordering search results and when showing the featured categories. In both cases, the number of recommendations a site has, affects how high up the site appears in the results.
At any time you can take back your recommendation for a site by going to the site's page on and clicking "Un-Recommendation"
You can see how many people have recommended a given site from the site's page on, right above the button bar.
Recommendation-based Blogrolls (requires premium subscription)
If you have a hosted blog you can optionally enable a blogroll on your site. A blogroll is a list of other blogs that you recommend to your readers. This blogroll is automatically generated from your most recent recommendations. You can enable this feature in your blog's settings.
When you like a post, you're essentially bookmarking that post for later. You can see all of the posts you've liked from the "Likes" page on or in the app. Currently, these likes aren't used for anything else. They're a way for you to track posts you've found interesting so you can find them later. can send a notification to the person who's post you liked, so that they'll know you like their post (if their site supports this). You can adjust this setting from your profile. See Webmentions for more information.