Cross-Site Mentions

Cross-Site Mentions allow to receive mentions on another site's behalf. In other words: if you have a blog on another platform, you can have accept mentions for that blog from all over the Web. Those mentions will appear in your mentions timeline.

This means that you can easily see who's talking about your posts and what they're saying no matter what platform you or they use.

A Premium Subscription is required enable Cross-Site Mentions. You can add up to five sites to your account.

Think of Cross-Site Mentions as allowing to collect all your blog comments in one place. No matter where you blog, you can see your mentions, replies, and likes in one place. If you use Wordpress or, you can even reply back!

Enabling Cross-Site Mentions

Enabling Cross-Site Mentions is pretty simple, but you do need to be able to edit the template of your site (the HTML). If this sounds scary, I promise, it'll be really simple.

1. Adding Your Site to

Go to your account page, Click on Cross-Site Mentions and add the link to your blog's home page. Then click the button.

Adding Your Blog

If your site already supports WebMentions, you can forward all mentions back to your site by forwarding mentions from to your WebMention endpoint.

2. Editing Your Site's Template

Copy the HTML code snippet. Go to your site and edit the template. Add the HTML you copied from in between your site's header tags. Right above the closing head tag.

  ...other stuff...
  [paste your code snippet here...]

For Wordpress, you can add this tag to your Theme Header file.

Make sure to save your changes. And check your site to ensure everything is still ok.

3. Verifying Your Changes

Go back to and click Verify. If you did it right, your site should now be verified and you should see a green check mark

That's it. You're done!

A Video Demo

Here's a video demo of how to add Cross-Site Mentions to your site.